Monday, May 22, 2006

...and so it begins

I always have the urge to start blogging but one of my biggest fear is maintaining it. Simply because I know I’m not the type that will update it once every single day with the itsy bitsy things that’s been going on in my daily life….but suddenly at this very moment; I just have that eagerness to blog. So I might just as well take this little passion that I have right now to write some bits and pieces regarding my recent trip to Thailand with 8 other fellow travelers.

Here’s some background story...

Last Wesak Day holidays, I managed to catch a trip with a group of passionate travelers to a place in Thailand called Similan (funny name – for those of you that still not get the joke, pronounced it slowly in Hokkien). The name Similan actually derived from Malay word "SEMBILAN" which means nine. It’s amazing that many of the names in Thailand came from Malay word. For instance, the word Phi Phi actually came from "Api Api" (fireflies). Back to Similan...why it was named after Sembilan? Simple, caused it consisted of 9 islands:-

Names identification of the islands:
No. 1 ~ Hu-Yong Island
No. 2 ~ Pa-Yang Island
No. 3 ~ Pa-Yan Island
No. 4 ~ Mieng Island
No. 5 ~ Ha Island
No. 6 ~ Payu Island
No. 7 ~ Hin Pausar
No. 8 ~ Koh Similan (the biggest island)
No. 9 ~ Ba-Ngu Island

Where is this Similan? Refer to the map below and you will get a rough idea of where these islands are located.

 I got to know about this trip or even have the thought of joining? I don’t know what’s gotten into me recently, but like I mentioned before, I suddenly have the urge of doing something, well, I had that 'urge' again - feeling of going somewhere for holidays and coincidently I bumped into this package catered for interested travelers. Since I refuse to waste the long weekend by just doing nothing at home, I made up my mind to join them alone (meaning without any of my 'known' friends along). Excited? Of course!! Why? Well, this is my first ever trip 'alone' and this is really something new for me to try!

I called up the organizer nervously and registered myself for the trip, then get a help from a friend to pass the downpayment money to the organiser then VOILA~!!… I’m in for the trip!!

This is a budgeted trip so I have expected for the worst. We rented a chartered van and will be traveling all the way from Penang to Phang-Nga where our hotel situated. The van leaves at 5am on Friday morning. So the night before, I went out with my friends for dinner and casual talks. We dismissed around 2am then moved on to a friend’s house. Okay, I’m bad...I forced her to stay up with me till it’s time for me to meet up with those travelers at the designated meet up place. In the end, I pitied her and gave her few hours to sleep while I surf the net, not wanting to sleep anymore...too excited for the trip maybe. When it’s almost time to leave; I woke her up and reluctantly she wake up to drop me at the meet up point. Wave goodbye to her to join the rest of the team.

And the adventure begins...
*continue in next post


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